BY: Engr. Hasan Rasheed Sulehria (Chairman QEF & The Royal Chain Pakistan.)

the royal chain


Mohenjo-Daro, situated in present-day Pakistan, was a momentous city of the old Indus Valley Development. Thriving somewhere in the range of 2600 and 1900 BCE, this archeological wonder gives significant experiences into the metropolitan preparation, culture, and complexity of one of the world's most seasoned known civic establishments. Allow us to set out on an excursion to disentangle the mysteries of Mohenjo-Daro and investigate its importance throughout the entire existence of human civilization.

Disclosure and Importance:

Mohenjo-Daro, signifying "Hill of the Dead," was found during the 1920s during unearthings drove by Sir John Marshall. The site, with its very much saved remains, grandstands a profoundly progressed metropolitan civilization that existed a while back. Its importance lies in its capacity to offer looks into the day-to-day routine, exchange, and administration of the Indus Valley individuals.

Metropolitan Preparation and Engineering:

The city of Mohenjo-Daro was carefully arranged, mirroring a remarkable degree of metropolitan designing. The format included a network arrangement of roads, meeting at right points, separating the city into blocks. The structures, made of furnace terminated blocks, showed a few stories and displayed wonderful craftsmanship. The city's very much arranged framework incorporated a high level seepage framework, public showers, and storehouses.

Modern Water The board:

One of the greatest parts of Mohenjo-Daro was its complex water the board framework. The city had a perplexing organization of very much constructed depletes and channels that effectively overseen garbage removal and stormwater spillover. The Incomparable Shower, a great public construction, features the significance of water in the existences of the city's occupants and perhaps filled strict or stylized needs.

Exchange and Economy:

Mohenjo-Daro flourished as a significant exchanging focus, interfacing the Indus Valley Civilization with far off locales. Archeological discoveries recommend an energetic exchange network stretching out to Mesopotamia, the Persian Inlet, and even locales to the extent that Focal Asia. Ancient rarities like seals, ceramics, globules, and valuable metals give proof of significant distance exchange and the thriving of the city.

Social Association and Social Life:

The design of Mohenjo-Daro proposes an efficient society with proof of social orders. The city's unmistakable areas, public structures, and confidential homes show changing degrees of social and financial separation. The presence of earthenware dolls, models, and perplexing adornments mirrors the creative abilities and social acts of the occupants.

Indus Content and Language:

Like Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro gives us the puzzle of the Indus script. The undeciphered composing framework found on seals and ceramics stays a test for researchers. The content's importance and language keep on escaping us, restricting comprehension we might interpret the progress' writing, managerial records, and correspondence.

Decline and Inheritance:

The explanations behind the downfall of Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Valley Human advancement stay speculative. Speculations propose potential factors, for example, natural changes, changes in shipping lanes, or unseen struggles. Nonetheless, the tradition of Mohenjo-Daro lives on as a demonstration of the noteworthy accomplishments of the old Indus Valley Progress, filling in as a wellspring of motivation and understanding into early human development.


Mohenjo-Daro remains as a demonstration of the high-level metropolitan preparation, designing, and social accomplishments of the Indus Valley Human progress. It's very much saved stays offer an extraordinary window into the lives and achievements of individuals who possessed the old city north of four centuries prior. While various secrets encompassing the city stay, continuous archeological examination keeps on revealing insight into this old city, enhance.