Showing posts from April, 2023Show All
Summary of the 48 Laws of Power
 The eighth law of power is the Law of Timing
 The 7th law of Power (Law of the Bait)
The 6th law of power (Law of Courtier)
The 5th law of power (Law of Judgement)
The 4th Law of Power (the Law of Disguise)
The 3rd law of power (Law of Concealment)
The first law of power
The 48 Laws of Power
How did Elon Musk got rich?
How do Criminals Win Elections?
5. The role of international actors in Africa's borders.
 3. Economic implications of Africa's borders.
How did dubai get so rich?
Israeli–Palestinian conflict and importance of Jerusalem.
Is TikTok Actually Creating More One-Hit Wonders?
Developing a Love Relationship with Yourself: The Key to a Fulfilling Life
Teaching: A Sacred Profession Tarnished by Nepotism and Favoritism.
Justice delayed justice denied
Deep State
Nuclear power states
Solar Energy the Greener Energy